Mission Trip

Please continue praying for the community of Puente Azul and our Global Ministries partner, the Lutheran Church of El Salvador.

In November of 2015, First Christian sent a group to El Salvador on a trip of Accompaniment, Learning, and Service. They:

  • Worshiped with brothers and sisters in our partner church,
  • Explored the history of El Salvador, including its current context and how this connects with our experience as U.S. citizens living near the Southern U.S border
  • Worked with eight families to repair the roofs of their homes in the rural community of Puente Azul.


In 2001, two earthquakes devastated many areas of El Salvador. Disciples’ Global Ministries responded with a three-year program to build homes in rural areas.  Marco González served as the missionary, working in partnership with the Lutheran Church in El Salvador, to coordinate the program.  Unfortunately, the roofing material available at the time the first houses were built in Puente Azul only have about a 10-year life-span and residents have had to abandon their houses due to leaks.

Our Ministry: This journey is a ministry of our entire congregation.  You can support and be a part of the mission even if you will not be traveling.

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