Today we mark a year of pandemic life. One year of significant changes. One year of new patterns and routines. One year of counting Covid cases and mourning precious lives lost to the virus. One year of healthcare workers’ unending hours. One year of jobs lost, school doors closed, seeing economic disparities and racial injustice exposed. One year of online connections. As we mark this day, we turn to God who is our faithful companion—who has walked this road with us and will remain with us. We turn to God with hope and seeking guidance for the days to come. In that spirit, I share two resources to guide our prayers. First, included below is a prayer by minister and author Traci Smith. Second is a booklet of three prayers from Illustrated Ministry offered in written form and in a coloring sheet for those who find coloring meaningful and meditative. Click here for the booklet.
A Prayer Marking One Year of Pandemic Life
God you are with us all the time. All the time you are with us.
Today we remember. We remember how things used to be. We remember how many things we have gone through. We remember things we missed and people we lost.
Today we hope. We hope for healing. We hope for vaccines. We hope for wisdom.
Today we share. We share smiles with one another. We share our joys and our sorrows. We share or dreams for the future.
God you are with us, all the time. All the time, you are with us. Be with us as we remember, hope, and share. Amen.
By Traci Smith, used by permission