A Note from the Pastor

“So God blessed the seventh day and hallowed it, because on it God rested from all the work that he had done in creation”   – Genesis 2:3 “We used to sing the hymn ‘Take Time to Be Holy.’ But perhaps we should be singing, ‘Take time to be human.’ Or...
Caminantes Border Immersion 

Caminantes Border Immersion 

Caminantes Border Immersion  Comunidad Limen and First Christian Church, Tucson, are joining efforts to offer learning experiences on the US-Mexico border.  We are inviting participants from Disciples and other churches from across the US and Canada to an immersion...
The Dance

The Dance

A Dance By Colin Wicker A good relationship is something like a    dance – built on the same rules. Partners   in a dance do not need to hold on tightly,   because they move in the same patterns,   confident in each other. To touch heavily  would be to arrest the...