Today also marks a year since the event on January 6, 2021, in which we saw the ramifications of Christian nationalism and the apostacy it is. After that event, Pope Francis commented that even “in the most mature reality, there is always something that doesn’t work, people who take a path against the community, against democracy and against the common good…Thank God this exploded [into the open] so it can be seen, so it can be remedied.” The Pope’s perspective acknowledges the unveiling nature of those events one year ago as necessary truth to be acknowledged and a pathway to healing, for no transformation, no reconciliation is possible without the truth laid bare. And how many truths we have seen unveiled, exposed to the point we can no longer ignore, in almost two years of this ongoing pandemic! It has been enough to leave many of us feeling drained, burnout, burdened, and some even wondering if our faith is impotent in the face of such realities.
The good news of Epiphany, however, is that this story of gifts is not only from long ago. Epiphany is an ongoing story today. As author Mike Morrell claims, our union with Christ is one in which we receive. He asks and I share for your reflection:
· What ‘frankincense’ are we willing to breathe?
· What ‘myrrh’ are we willing to let in, under our skin?