The news and images from Ukraine attest to the atrocities occurring there. Reports state that the Ukrainian government is documenting evidence that actions taken by Russian forces against Ukrainian civilians fall under the designation of war crimes. We have heard the news, and the stories and pictures weigh heavy upon us. We know this is one more—one more place, one more people, one more generation inflicted with the violent tragedy of war. It weighs heavy upon us as we wonder, “What are we to do?”
Each week we will continue to share the information offered by Disciples Refugee & Immigration Ministries. There are suggestions for contacting lawmakers in response to the Ukrainian crisis and the needs of Afghan refugees. Also, there is a call for prayers. Prayers for the people of Ukraine. Prayers for humanitarian aid workers. Prayers for our leaders and others around the world to help the people in need. Prayers for Vladimir Putin to admit the error of his actions. Prayers of lament. Prayers of hope.
Today, in response to the devastation inflicted by Russian troops in Bucha (a suburb of Kyiv) we share one such prayer in the form of a poem written by one of our members, John Indermark.