First Christian Church Tucson is an open and affirming church. In our quest to become the Beloved Community, it is important for us not only to welcome one another as God’s beloved children, but to respect and incorporate the identity language used by those in our community. Let’s start with the acronym LGBTQIA2S+.
L Lesbian
G Gay
B Bisexual
T Transgender
Q Queer and/or Questioning
I Intersex
A Asexual
2S Two-Spirit,
+ countless affirmative ways in which people choose to self-identify.
G Gay
B Bisexual
T Transgender
Q Queer and/or Questioning
I Intersex
A Asexual
2S Two-Spirit,
+ countless affirmative ways in which people choose to self-identify.
Dig deeper:
- LGBTQIA2S+ – What Does It All Mean? (short article): :
blog/lgbtqia2s-what-does-it- all-mean - Why Are There So Many Letters? LGTBQIA2S+ (9 min video):
- LGBTQIA2S+ Communications – including what and what not to say: (medium length article)
education/pp-communications. html - Talking Pride with Kids (short article):