What would life be like if centered in the heart of God? Centered in God’s very being? What would your home be like? Tucson be like? The world? Can you imagine? Perhaps you can imagine how your heart might feel or how you might see things in a different way. Maybe life centered in the heart of God would influences choices you make or the way you think about and interact with certain people. Maybe it would affect how you spend your time. What does the image of life in the heart of God bring up for you? What is required of you to live it?

The ministry planning team has prayerfully reflected and been inspired by this image of living and being “in the heart of God.” Thus, this image has been chosen as a guide for our congregation’s ministry in 2023. In our planning for worship, in our aim of becoming the beloved community, in studies in Sunday school, Sacred Space, and other small groups, and in acts of service, we will ask, how does this bring us to the heart of God? How are we reflecting God’s holy being? And we would love to hear from you. How does this image inspire you? To what does it call you and how do you sense it calling our congregation?
